Unreal PCG Painter release !

I decided to release my PCG painter blueprint tool, for free ( or 10$ if you wanna help me 🙂 ). Here is a video on how to use it: And where to get it : https://cgtoolbox.com/unreal-pcg-painter/

UPYRE V0.12.0 release

A new version of the python module Unreal PYthon Remote Execution is available ! It adds the support of a small json I/O pipeline, to be able to share data between Unreal python process and the remote one. More info on the wiki here: https://github.com/cgtoolbox/UnrealRemoteControlWrapper/wiki/UPYRE#json-pipe-data-exchange Available on pip:

Unreal pcg prefab variants

Unreal’s PCG allows you to populate easily vast open worlds, scatter vegetation or props, but it also can be very useful for more local behavior.It is in this mindset that I’m working on a PCG prefab variant system. It take as input a PCG data asset, created from a level instance, which is injected into … Continue Reading

cgtoolbox on Unreal marketplace !

There we go, cgtoolbox has now a small Unreal marketplace space, here :).The first tool available is: actor tags manager, but keep an eye on it for future updates !

Unreal remote wrapper update and test data

I’ve updated the Unreal Python Remove Wrapper with new feature and also there is now a Unreal project with test data ! More infos here:https://github.com/cgtoolbox/UnrealRemoteControlWrapper And:https://github.com/cgtoolbox/UnrealRemoteControlTestData