Unreal remote wrapper update and test data

I’ve updated the Unreal Python Remove Wrapper with new feature and also there is now a Unreal project with test data ! More infos here:https://github.com/cgtoolbox/UnrealRemoteControlWrapper And:https://github.com/cgtoolbox/UnrealRemoteControlTestData

Unreal remote control wrapper

  • January 28, 2023
  • News
  • GuillaumeJ

Hi folks ! I’ve just released a python wrapper around the unreal remote http api. It allows you to control your unreal 5 session remotely, directly using a simple python api. If of course, needs to have the remote control plugin installed on your unreal session. You can access UObject, Blueprints, or remote preset, remotly. … Continue Reading

Houdini vex help for vscode

I’ve just publish a small extension for vscode which mimics the behavior of the wrangle node “open help page from selected text”. Feel free to try it ! Here ( or from the marketplace directly in VScode ) It’s very handy to use along the VEX language support for vscode by mel massadian and Houdini … Continue Reading

HoudiniExprEditor 1.4.5 !

New feature added in Houdini expression editor, the support of shelf tools edition ! A small bugfix on watcher files cleaning is also available in that version. As usual, available for free here !

Houdini expression editor Py3 !

Hello all ! I’ve slowly started to make the tools compatible with Python 3, the first one completed is Houdini Expression Editor which is now fully compatible Python 2 and 3. Tested on Houdini 18.0 py3 tech preview build. It is available for free as usual, here !