Just a quick message on Houdini Expr Editor and its support of PyCharm. PyCharm has as a “safe write” system, which saves the current file in a temporary file first. This messes up the file watcher of the script, thus, the code is not updated live in the Houdini session. In order to avoid this, … Continue Reading
Author Archives
Houdini Node Bookmarks linux bug fix
Hi Folks, A bug fix has been pushed for the Houdini Node Bookmarks, it is now fully functional on Linux ! Houdini Node Bookmarks
Houdini Easy Compile Block Released (beta)
The first version of “Houdini Easy Compile Block” is now available. It allows you to compile a sop forloop or a selection of nodes pretty easily, it will create the compile sop ( end and begin ) as well as update the expression and create spare inputs for you if needed. For more info about … Continue Reading
Houdini Expr Editor Update v1.1.1
The Houdini Expression Editor has been updated to version 1.1.1: Bugfix: Files are no longer unnecessary removed. Feature: Now compatible with Python SOP node’s source code.
Houdini Node Bookmarks Icon fix
In the latest version of Houdini Node Bookmarks, the icons will properly work on MaxOSX and Linux platform.