Houdini Expr Editor And PyCharm

Just a quick message on Houdini Expr Editor and its support of PyCharm. PyCharm has as a “safe write” system, which saves the current file in a temporary file first. This messes up the file watcher of the script, thus, the code is not updated live in the Houdini session. In order to avoid this, … Continue Reading

Houdini Node Bookmarks linux bug fix

  • September 29, 2018
  • Bug fix
  • GuillaumeJ

Hi Folks, A bug fix has been pushed for the Houdini Node Bookmarks, it is now fully functional on Linux ! Houdini Node Bookmarks  

Houdini Easy Compile Block Released (beta)

The first version of “Houdini Easy Compile Block” is now available. It allows you to compile a sop forloop or a selection of nodes pretty easily, it will create the compile sop ( end and begin ) as well as update the expression and create spare inputs for you if needed. For more info about … Continue Reading

Houdini Expr Editor Update v1.1.1

The Houdini Expression Editor has been updated to version 1.1.1: Bugfix: Files are no longer unnecessary removed. Feature: Now compatible with Python SOP node’s source code.

Houdini Node Bookmarks Icon fix

  • December 15, 2017
  • Bug fix
  • GuillaumeJ

In the latest version of Houdini Node Bookmarks, the icons will properly work on MaxOSX and Linux platform.