Houdini Expr Editor Update v1.1.1

The Houdini Expression Editor has been updated to version 1.1.1: Bugfix: Files are no longer unnecessary removed. Feature: Now compatible with Python SOP node’s source code.

Houdini Node Bookmarks Icon fix

  • December 15, 2017
  • Bug fix
  • GuillaumeJ

In the latest version of Houdini Node Bookmarks, the icons will properly work on MaxOSX and Linux platform.  

Houdini Node Bookmarks bugfix

  • November 27, 2017
  • Bug fix
  • GuillaumeJ

New version of Houdini node bookmarks available, 0.9.9. Fix a bug when data were loaded from hip file data by sessionId

Node Bookmarks Available

Houdini Node Bookmarks is now available for free, version 0.9.8. Houdini Node Bookmaks For Houdini 16 and 16.5 only.